Harry Lorayne in Action
One of the best ways to be wowed and inspired is to watch Harry Lorayne in action – both for memory and for close-up magic. He impressed audiences on the Johnny Carson show 24 times by, amongst other things, using his Memory System – Remembering Names & Faces. On Harry’s card magic YouTube channel, you will find several of his performances from his “Best Ever” DVD Collection.
Harry Lorayne, magician and memory expert performs on the Paul Daniels Show 1980.
Harry Lorayne performs a memory demonstration on the Johnny Carson show back in 1988.
"Magic Square" - Harry Lorayne from Best Ever Collection Volume 4 (Posted with Harry Lorayne's Permission)
This performance of Lorayne's Invisible Pass Routine is from Harry Lorayne's Best Ever Collection DVD 4.
This performance of Snap! is from Harry Lorayne's Best Ever Collection DVD 4.