Harry Lorayne’s Memory Power
You too can have a better-than-photographic memory!
Since 1988 the world’s foremost memory-training expert and New York Times best-selling author, Harry Lorayne has been helping to change people’s lives with his programmed Memory Power Systems. You might remember him on Amazing Discoveries or on his infomercial hosted by Dick Cavett or even on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson.
Now, he teaches you directly with audio & video lessons and a comprehensive programmed workbook – in this updated and easy-to-use Memory Power Course available online or shipped to your doorstep.
Apply it immediately and see your life improve tenfold, whether it be in school or in the office, the benefits are endless. It will make you more aware, more alert, and it has the potential of being the best possible investment for your life!
Workbook and USB Flashdrive SHIPPED to your doorstep!
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Hello; I’m Harry Lorayne.
Well now, how does one become the "foremost memory-training specialist in the world," "The Yoda of memory training"? Okay, short version.
When I was about eleven years old I had great motivation to get better grades in school. That motivation was fear. My father believed in corporal punishment, and when I brought home failing grades on my tests, he “corporal punished” me. Of course I knew why I was getting those failing grades. I simply wouldn’t, couldn’t, put in all the necessary study time. But, finally, the proverbial light bulb went on. "Hey," I thought, "if I can remember the answers to the questions, if I could simply know/learn those answers faster, I wouldn’t have to put in all that study time.
I realized that "remember," "learn," "know" are synonyms; they all mean basically the same thing. If you know something, you’ve remembered it; if you remember something, you know it. And if you know/remember it, you’ve learned it!
That realization started it. I ran to the library and read some books on "how to remember," some dating back to the 18th century (some of which are now in my private library). At that time of life – remember that I was only eleven years old – I managed to understand only an infinitesimal amount of the information I read. But that tiny bit of information was the beginning of the solution to my problem – getting better grades with only a fraction of the study time, so that my father would be happy.
Well, I had to change and manipulate the little bit I’d learned about better-remembering ideas just so that they’d apply directly to my schoolwork. And I did make them apply – I felt that I had to. (I didn’t realize that I was coming up with some seminal ideas – "necessity being the mother of…" etc.) I was soon able to remember the salient facts (the answers) the first time Mrs. Goldfischer (the teacher) mentioned them, and the first time I read them in our assignments. I went from seemingly "stupid" (I am, incidentally, dyslexic), with bad grades, to the honor roll.
And I’ve been teaching these techniques in my books for over 50 years.
“Harry Lorayne gives you the memory that will enable you to have knowledge at your fingertips – that will multiply your worth, multiply your value. And you’ll even remember what I just said." –MEL BROOKS; Actor, Producer, Director
“Harry Lorayne can make you remember an address book full of phone numbers as if it were your first kiss. When I go onstage with a hundred pages of text in my head, they got there thanks to the Method: the Harry Lorayne Method.” –ALAN ALDA; Actor
“Harry Lorayne's course is recommended for all managers and supervisors, and is mandatory for all other personnel.” –Ruby Lauzon; International Paper Co.
“I have been practicing law for twenty years and during those twenty years I have gone to many legal seminars and have obtained countless tips regarding procedure and strategy. The systems that I have learned from your course have been much more useful to me. I wish I'd known about them when I first began practicing law. Thank you again.” –Arthur B. Miller; Attorney at Law