“Before I Forget”
An interview series with Harry Lorayne and Rudy Tinoco of The Magician’s Forum. From anecdotes to demonstrations, here you’ll view Mr. Lorayne answer questions and expand on his memoir, Before I Forget (A “Rememoir” – says Mel Brooks.
Harry shares a funny story that happened on his first trip to Italy.
Then he talks about how he turned down an appearance with Alex Trebek.
Finally, Harry opens up about the tragic death of his father and it’s effect on him.
In this conversation, Harry reminisces about a tap dancer on a cruise ship who didn’t let anything stop him from finishing his performance. In the same way, Harry talks about how he pushed through a very sticky situation and brought his show to a very successful conclusion.
He also talks about some fun anecdotes from his appearances on the Ed Sullivan Show as well as a funny story about his run in with one, Mr. Schmuck.
Finally, he shared details about one of his best performances of “card on the ceiling”.
An amusing story about a séance that Harry and Frank Garcia took part in.
Harry shares some of the reason why his friendship with Frank went sour, as well as the challenges of proper crediting.
Finally, we talk about whether or not Harry fears death in light of his health scare.
Harry talks about his horrible sense of direction. He actually needed a personal escort when visiting Johnny Carson’s television studio.
The conversation turns to memory and Harry demonstrates, in real-time, how he memorizes a deck of cards
Harry shares stories about how his innate ability to find effective ways to accomplish a task, wasn’t always appreciated.
He then talks about how a time when he was trying to impress a girl with a card trick, but things didn’t quite work as planned. The “magician in trouble” theme gets him in trouble.
Harry talks about why his friends once sang “happy birthday dear Harry” through clenched teeth.
He then goes on to share what prompted him to start becoming an expert on memory, as well as an emotional story about how a bad thing can result in a good outcome.
A trip to Miami S. David Walker becomes a nightmare for Harry & Renee. Harry talks about how he got caught up in some shady dealings with some roughnecks that he refers to as “the boys” and how a man named Willie Schneider got Harry and Renee back home.
Harry talks about how Moss Hart got him on the Jack Parr Show.
A fun memory of when Harry was asked to escape from a bank vault.
In this conversation, Harry talks about when he performed for a little people convention. It results in a very funny response to a trick that could never be repeated.
Harry tells me about the time when he accidently got a bit tipsy on the David Frost Show.
In this video, Harry talks about a very strange performance at a magic convention that features a magician who is nailed to a cross.
This leads to a conversation about what Harry believes about God and the afterlife.
Anne Bancroft asked Harry to teach her a magic trick for a role that she played in the film “Malicious”. Harry and I watch the clip of Annie’s performance and then he shares some memories of her giving him an acting lesson
This video is Harry talks about how his friend, Lenny Greenfader, gets him out of some trouble with the law. My Movie 12
Harry talks about how a publishing company called Stein & Day, screwed him out of a sizable amount of money.
Stephen Sondheim is considered to be a genius by many. Harry talks about their friendship and gives an example of how Stephen figured out a very complex card problem.
Harry talks a horrible experience with Dr. Dombek that gave Renee quite a scare.
In this interview, Harry talks about how we worked his way into the inner circle of the Triumverate: Dai Vernon, John Scarne, and Leo Horowitz.
Harry Lorayne speaks to Rudy Tinoco about the book, "The Secrets of Mind Power". In the interview, he reflects on some of the advice that he had given in that book about dispelling fear, trusting others, and faith in God.